
We received our OFSTED Inspection visit on the 10th and 11th March 2020.  It was an excellent inspection with inspector, Helen Morrison full of praise for the school.  Indeed our Local Authority School Advisor informed us that it was the best feedback he had heard under the new framework. 

Helen Morrison, in her feedback told those present that we would most definitely achieve the outstanding rating in 4 years and we are happy that by then we will have been able to truly embed the requirements of the new curriculum.

Some of the good comments made include:

‘Albrighton is a friendly and welcoming school.  Parents and carers value the attention all adults give to children’s learning and well-being. ‘

‘Pupils work and play together happily.  They show caring attitudes towards each other. Older pupils enjoy helping younger ones.‘

‘Pupils say that they feel safe and are safe in school because staff care for them.‘

‘Pupils behave well.  They say that bullying rarely happens.  They are confident that adults deal with it quickly and fairly.  Inspection evidence supports pupils’ views. ‘

‘Leaders and teachers make sure that pupils have experiences that help them develop their talents and interests.’

‘Pupils’ mental health, happiness and well-being are very important to all staff.  Several pupils told me how adults help them if they feel upset or anxious.  Learning mentors provide good support for pupils and their families.’

Helen Morrison was particularly impressed at the strong nurturing atmosphere and relationships between pupils and staff and the robust team ethos of staff and governors to ensure the highest of standards.


March 2020 Ofsted Report


For more information on Osfted and how it works please click here






OFSTED 2020: 'Leaders have high expectations of all pupils and want the best for them' ;

'Leaders and teachers plan creative and enjoyable activities that link curriculum subjects together.'