
We are earnestly trying to raise funds for what we see as priorities for the school: safe surfaces for Early Years outside areas and play equipment for the main site, to replace the old equipment which had to be removed in 2020.  Unfortunately due to the significant expense COVID has presented alongside less income into the school, we don’t have enough to be able to fund these things ourselves.

This is where we will ask for your help please, by supporting the fundraising activities that we introduce. Any ideas of fundraising initiative you may have will also be much appreciated.


 Current Fundraising

Fundraising 2022-2023


Bag2School Collection - Next collection date to be confirmed


We have a small group of parents that work with us at school to support us in our fundraising efforts.  If you have an hour to spare here or there or you would really like to make a difference to our school community then we need your help.  See our PTA page for more details.

Some of our current events supported by PTA are our discos, fairs, special celebration days and raffles.