Our new email address is  years4and5@albrighton-pri.shropshire.sch.uk  

This will replace the class email addresses.  Please email with any queries or to share your work. 

Year 4 & 5 Home Learning


We know how hard you've been working at home so this week we have uploaded the work for the week to give you some more flexibility. 



You have now completed the individual word lists for the year. Here is an end of year spelling test.


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Metaphors are used to compare two things which share a common feature. Metaphors are very useful in poetry as they can help you to describe things in an interesting and imaginative way. A metaphor is used to compare two things, but without using the words like or as. For example, you might say “as pretty as a picture” but this is not a metaphor. Instead, when writing a metaphor, you can say that something simply is something else. This is a bit more direct. You can instead use is or was, for example “the sun is a golden orb in the sky”, “the dog was a playful, friendly lion.”

 You can create metaphors simply by looking at something and asking yourself what it looks like or what it reminds you of. Then you can just write that down:

“The tree was a creepy man with long arms”  “The sky was a bright blue blanket, with no clouds in sight”  “The fizzy drink was a powerful volcano!”  “You are my sunshine”  “He is a walking dictionary”



Draw 4 pictures of any object it could be an object, animal, person. Then come up with a metaphor for each picture.

A metaphor carries a lot of power in poetry because it’s direct. A really good metaphor will spark instant understanding for your reader, making it very useful. For this reason, we will be using metaphors to write poetry inspired by the colours of the summer.



Have a look at the sentences and decide how to end the metaphor Write the answer down. Tip: all you need to do is decide what the objects remind you of!

See if you can add some more detail e.g. The footballer is a powerful jaguar, speeding across the pitch.

  1. The clouds were ……………………………………………………………………………...
  2. The moon was ………………………………………………………………………………...
  3. The footballer is ……………………………………………………………………………...
  4. The ballerina was ……………………………………………………………………………
  5. The beach is ……………………………………………………………………………….......
  6. My teacher is …………………………………………………………………………………..
  7. Her long hair was ……………………………………………………………………………
  8. The stars are …………………………………………………………………………………..
  9. The lion’s teeth were ……………………………………………………………………….

    10. The falling snowflakes were …………………………………………………………….



You will be writing your own metaphors today to write a poem about a colour that we relate to summer. BUT the poem itself cannot include the colour. You must use metaphors to describe the colour to your reader.


An easy way to make up your own metaphor is to think of a question, for example “What is yellow?” You can then begin your sentence with “It is…”, for example, “It is the busy bumblebee, whizzing from flower to flower”. What else could you say for yellow?


Choose which colour you are going to write your poem about. Write your own poem. Use the example

They don’t have to rhyme but remember that an easy way to write them poem is to begin each sentence with “It is…”


Example poem:

Title: What’s my colour?

It is the salty chips I eat on the promenade

It is the red hot sand beneath my feet

It is the greedy seagull’s open beak

It is the happy sunflower, swaying in the breeze

It is the melting ice cream, running down my chin

It is my bright raincoat, keeping me dry on wet summer days

It is the delicious and salty corn on the cob, yum!

Back cover: My colour is yellow! (Cover this up so that your reader can’t see it)



Perform your poem to your family thinking about how you use your voice. You could ask someone to record your performance and email us the video.



See the poetry comprehension in the files list below. There are 3 levels so choose the one most suited to you. 

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You can access the White Rose maths videos here: YEAR 4   YEAR 5

See the Maths worksheets for the week in the file list below. There are lessons for 4 days. On the fifth day, please practise your times tables. HIT THE BUTTON GAME.  

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Monday - Art

Using the internet or books you have at home, research pieces of machinary. This could be farm machinary, industrial machinary- the choice is yours. Have a go at recreating these using your technical drawing skills. (Thank you to Martin for suggesting this task on our Zoom meeting- great idea!). 

Tuesday- Music

Access the music lesson from the BBC  here. Have a go at some of the vocal activities at the bottom of the page.

Wednesday- French

Access the french lesson from the BBC here. Complete the quizes are the bottom of the page. 

Thursday- PE

How many of these fitness activities can you complete in 100 seconds? You could have a competition within your family. 

Friday- Reflection

Which aspects of your home learning are you most proud of? Share these with your family. 


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Catch up

 year 4 Wordsearch.pdfDownload
 Year 5 LCWC.pdfDownload
 Year 5 Maths Monday.pdfDownload
 Year 5 Maths Thursday.pdfDownload
 Year 5 Maths tuesday.pdfDownload
 Year 5 Maths Wednesday .pdfDownload
 year 5 Word Search.pdfDownload
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